The generalized formulas used for computing the steady-state response of forced longitudinal vibration of any drill string assembly is given, and appropriate ways for computing the state vector under different measurement conditions are proposed. 文章给出计算任意组合钻柱系统的纵向受迫振动的稳态响应的一般公式和不同测量条件下求状态向量的不同途径。
Forced vibration tests of the model dam, excited by the initial displacement, measurement have been carried out for several cases. 针对平面模型,用初位移激震分几种工况进行实验。
It can be found that the recognition rate of forced alignment based tone model is close to the manual segment tone model. A competing model based measurement is proposed to assess Mandarin syllables. 实验发现,基于强制对齐的声调模型的识别率接近于手工分割的声调模型的识别率。提出了一种基于竞争模型的音节评价方法。